De camerawinkel met duizenden camera's & accessoires is dé online specialist in hoogwaardige camera's, onderdelen en accessoires van vele A-merken
Naar webshop
$inContent = true;
if ($rubrieken_include) {
$currentDomain = str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
#$currentDomain = "";
$e = explode('.', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$subdomain = false;
if (isset($e[2])) {
if ($e[0] != 'www' && $e[0] != 'http://www' && $e[0] != 'https://www') {
$subdomain = true;
$sub = $e[0];
$script_uri = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
if ($stripindex) {
$script_uri = str_replace("index.php", "", $script_uri);
if ($rewrite) {
$script_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if ($stripindex) {
$script_uri = str_replace("index.php", "", $script_uri);
// Vraag rubrieken op
$selectRubrieken = mysqli_query($conGB, "SELECT id, titel FROM adv_index_rubrieken");
$categoryArray = [];
while ($rowRubrieken = $selectRubrieken->fetch_object()) {
$categoryArray[$rowRubrieken->id] = $rowRubrieken->titel;
if ($inContent) {
* Geeft de HTML terug van een tekst met BB-codes
* @param string $tekst De tekst met BB-codes
* @param string $follow
* @return string De tekst met HTML
function getTekst($tekst = "", $follow = "")
// HTML uit string halen
$tekst = strip_tags($tekst);
if (empty($follow)) {
$tekst = preg_replace('/\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/i', '$2', $tekst);
} else {
if ($follow == "do") {
$follow = "";
$tekst = preg_replace('/\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/i', '$2', $tekst);
return $tekst;
$selectText = mysqli_query($conGB, "SELECT Titel, tekst, follow FROM adv_links WHERE portaldb = '" . $currentDomain . "' AND Verloopdatum > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AND days = 0 AND type = 'tekst' AND controle = 'goed' AND tekst != ''AND (LOWER(tekst) NOT LIKE '%casino%' AND LOWER(tekst) NOT LIKE '%gokkast%' AND LOWER(tekst) NOT LIKE '%slots%')");
while ($rowText = $selectText->fetch_object()) {
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AND days = 0 AND tekst = '' AND Link != '' AND type = 'link' AND controle = 'goed' ORDER BY adv_index_rubrieken.titel, RAND()");
$selectCategoryIds = mysqli_query($conGB, "SELECT rubrid FROM adv_links WHERE portaldb = '" . $currentDomain . "' AND Verloopdatum > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AND days = 0 AND tekst = '' AND Link != '' AND type = 'link' AND controle = 'goed' GROUP BY rubrid");
} elseif ($subdomain == true) {
// Subdomain
$selectUrls = mysqli_query($conGB, "SELECT Goedbegin, adv_links.Titel, Link, tekst, rubrid, follow FROM adv_links LEFT JOIN adv_index_rubrieken ON = adv_links.rubrid WHERE portaldb = '" . $currentDomain . "' AND Goedbegin = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($conGB, $sub) . "' AND Verloopdatum > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AND days = 0 AND tekst = '' AND Link != '' AND type = 'link' AND controle = 'goed' ORDER BY adv_index_rubrieken.titel, RAND()");
$selectCategoryIds = mysqli_query($conGB, "SELECT rubrid FROM adv_links WHERE portaldb = '" . $currentDomain . "' AND Goedbegin = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($conGB, $sub) . "' AND Verloopdatum > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AND days = 0 AND tekst = '' AND Link != '' AND type = 'link' AND controle = 'goed'" . $orderby);
} else {
// Directory
$selectUrls = mysqli_query($conGB, "SELECT Goedbegin, adv_links.Titel, Link, tekst, rubrid, follow FROM adv_links LEFT JOIN adv_index_rubrieken ON = adv_links.rubrid WHERE portaldb = '" . $currentDomain . "' AND Goedbegin = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($conGB, $script_uri) . "' AND Verloopdatum > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AND days = 0 AND tekst = '' AND Link != '' AND type = 'link' AND controle = 'goed' ORDER BY adv_index_rubrieken.titel, RAND()");
$selectCategoryIds = mysqli_query($conGB, "SELECT rubrid FROM adv_links WHERE portaldb = '" . $currentDomain . "' AND Goedbegin = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($conGB, $script_uri) . "' AND Verloopdatum > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AND days = 0 AND tekst = '' AND Link != '' AND type = 'link' AND controle = 'goed'" . $orderby);
$totalUrls = mysqli_num_rows($selectUrls) + mysqli_num_rows($selectCategoryIds);
if ($linksonderelkaar) {
while ($rowUrl = $selectUrls->fetch_object()) {
$ic = ($icon) ? " " : "";
if ($styling) {
$te = ($url_u) ? 'underline' : 'none';
echo '' . $ic . $rowUrl->Titel . ' ';
} else {
echo '' . $ic . $rowUrl->Titel . ' ';
echo ' Uw link direct hier?';
} elseif ($bootstrap) {
if ($rubrieken) {
$ic = ($icon) ? " " : "";
if ($container) {
echo "
$current = 0;
if (!$end) {
if ($current == 2) {
echo '
' . $uw_link_hier . '
if ($current != 2) {
echo '
' . $uw_link_hier . '
echo "";
if ($end) {
if ($styling) {
echo "
} else {
echo "
echo $uw_link_hier . '
} else {
echo '
' . $uw_link_hier . '
echo "
echo " ";
if ($inContent) {
$selectText = mysqli_query($conGB, "SELECT Titel, tekst, follow FROM adv_links WHERE portaldb = '" . $currentDomain . "' AND Verloopdatum > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AND days = 0 AND type = 'tekst' AND controle = 'goed' AND tekst != '' AND ((LOWER(tekst) LIKE '%casino%' OR LOWER(tekst) LIKE '%gokkast%' OR LOWER(tekst) LIKE '%slots%'))");
while ($rowText = $selectText->fetch_object()) {